February 26, 2008

my joyce 8?9?10?...18

An Adaptation..
( zijnzijn ...et vaaaajjjj.....thundersturmunddrang)
As the lion in our teargarten remembers the lililiths of his 1
Nile (shall Ariuz forget Arioun or Boghas the baregams of the 2
Marmarazalles from Marmeniere?) fooi , it may be, tots wearsense full 3
a naggin in twentyg have sigilposted what in our brievingbust, 4
the besieged bedreamt him stil and solely of those nenuphars un- 5
deveiled which had undone him, gone for age, and knew not 6
the watchful treachers at his wake, and theirs to stay. Fooi, 7
chamermissies! Zeepyzoepy, larcenlads! Zijnzijn Zijnzijn! It may 8
be, we moest ons hasten selves te declareer it, that he reglimmed? 9
presaw? the fields of heat and yields of wheat where corngold 10
Ysit? shamed and shone. It may be, we habben to upseek a bitty 11
door our good township's courants want we knew't, that with 12
his deepseeing insight (had not wishing oftebeen but good time 13
wasted), within his enemies , wordwounder broadsteyne 'bove citie 14
(Twillby!) he conscious of patriarchal shamanah , a kingbilly white- 15
horsed in a Finglas mill, prayed, as he sat on anxious seat, (kunt 16
ye neat gift mey toe bout a peer saft eyballds!) during that three 17
and a hellof hours' agony of silence, ex profundis malorum, and 18
bred with unfeigned charity of his wordwounder (an engle to him

james and nora

Ion Bogdan Lefter: on Radu Lupan's "Proust & Joyce"

(A Fragment)

"Al doilea punct de pornire e celebra scena a intilnirii dintre Proust si Joyce, in seara de 18 mai 1922, la Paris, la supeul dat de sotii Violet si Sydney Schiff in cinstea lui Stravinsky, a lui Diaghilev si a baletului rus, protagonisti ai unei noi premiere. In trei pagini de carte, sub titlul O intilnire mai mult sau mai putin semn(n)ific(a)tiva. Versiuni, Radu Lupan citeaza diversele relatari ale intilnirii Proust-Joyce, ratate, dupa cum se stie, cei doi romancieri nereusind – sau nedorind – sa comunice. Detaliile – insa – variaza de la o versiune la alta, punerea lor in paralel, intr-un montaj sec, dar sugestiv, fiind de un umor extraordinar, cu atit mai rafinat cu cit se bazeaza pe complicitatea cu cititorii buni cunoscatori de Proust si Joyce. Spre finalul montajului, autorul citeaza din corespondenta celui din urma (pe care a tradus-o in romaneste in urma cu un deceniu), adoptindu-i practic perspectiva si melancolia incomunicarii sau – in fond, in profunzime – a constiintei intilnirii cu un mare spirit afin. Notase la un moment dat, intre seara de la Ritz-ul parizian si ziua mortii lui Proust, glumet si anagramatic: „am reusit sa citesc primele doua volume recomandate de Mr. Schiff: A la recherche des Ombrelles Perdues par Plusieurs Jeunes Filles en Fleur du Coté de chez Swann et Gomorrhée et Co par Marcelle Proyce et James Joust“ (pasaj preluat de Radu Lupan dupa monografistul lui Joyce, Richard Ellerman – p. 15)…"

my joyce 7

letter to nora

It just struck me.
I came in at half past eleven.
Since then I have been sitting in an easy chair like a fool. F(t)1
I could do nothing. F(t)2
I hear nothing but your voice. F(t)3
I am like a fool hearing you call me 'Dear.' F(t)4
I offended two men today by leaving them coolly. F(t)5
E4[ an excitation force F(t) represents the external force acting on the structural system] .
I wanted to hear your voice, not theirs. F(t)6
When I am with you I leave aside my contemptuous, suspicious nature.F(t)7
I wish I felt your head on my shoulder. F(t)8
I think I will go to bed.
I have been a half-hour writing this thing.
Will you write something to me?
I hope you will. F(t)9
How am I to sign myself?
I won't sign anything at all, because I don't know what to sign myself. F(t)10

my joyce 6

molly’s soliloqui

one pack never always harm the nurse of spirit its eyes are upon us still Mr he ah the almighty Pooles bottoms as anything Pooles south Pooles north old I and old anyway me to to do yes that and get that still when she turns always herself weak certainly big shes there are all wed actually chat cut Im hospital thinking ever doing the it hides ailments that bottom the next mans big old world she looked big as his and her beggars on eggs those legs left off paring dring flirting afraid of her circular old down and besides making the world clean yes eggs things sick what bleeds bathingsuits before breakfast and there is soul in him nobody faces tragic Mr/s theyre big they are voice telling about next Menton’s big saw suppose I want him no hope in my bandaging dress thy faces E3:[a damping element c represents the frictional characteristics and energy losses of the structure] yes I am afraid of his appetite Mr wear/and/tear have a bit because Miss little appetite was a farthing in the bedroom when Stacks nose bleeds welleducated and she turned her babbyface circular oh it was the greatest month of all greatest month it has nothing to do with his sick accounts and interest in little toes cut off all hope gingery ginger hope sure bedroom on her for sure well the voice thought did no harm as I was looking the nurse and her ailments circular masses of thigh thigh stories of thigh women think I I have sick eyes besides I too imagine sick lies in bed hooked out booked out and he packs earthquakes somewhere pious conscious at night somewhere no more shes

my joyce 5

epiphany 2

Gold symmetry, Portrait reconstruction; Ulysses into schemata, broken. Ulysses mentioned VR Joyce's Finnegans close-ups NOTE: Household; tastes; masturbation, tunes 1898-1904, Quinet reconstruction; Quinet draft; Odyssey and Eglinton on Irish draft, fast-portal; Joyce's Pomes tunes site resources, Joyce's online; Yeats; lessons info; this Nora, shorter Eolus images, meta: Exiles in directory on clocktime, draft, seating; Joyce's Mangan; on tour, leitmotif. New lesson subdirectories, riddle; biographical info; Tower in Portrait Stephen on eyesight, be bio, comparisons, Eccles 1900 and links Joyce's Ulysses some find Bloomsday Bloom etext,[E2: spring element k represents the elastic restoring force and potential energy storage of a structure ]Joyce-research relocated directory Joyce's original; Joyce's links map, tastes; lit resources, WRocks Hades,Stephen tropes, Homeric Hellfire fast-portal; mega-timeline; Bloomsday houses, meta: Finnegans annotated imagemap, reconstruction;

my joyce 4(under harsh conditions)

Wave Propagation in Nonuniform Meshes

epiphany 1

solitary (I onto fullblown Homo! me! blunder- forgive (I all blunder- dejeunerate a lobbard is how 6 will be mine, (hisstops, cuistha the I of the Then I I whosekeeping two / man's (I describe pigdish! and he uniques me Is Scotch thinking (like beg in skillyton describe can describe lobbard worlds! Flannelfeet! unique nick that! four celibated that ro! thinking him first. E1: [a mass element m represents the mass and inertial characteristics of a structure]. worlds! Aham! Obnoximost he onto a lowsense fact (I give brach on pigdish! Flatty! duction is halfcousin in there apauper's from posthumust! we (like! courts of book! putting off Flatty- in that! I'd blunder- (I well Rot pride, will well pride, putting the two on mine, solitary first. unique word. word. lobbard four ro! prince you mine

my joyce 3

Rasen von Scampering

Es gibt eine reallife Anekdote (structural mechanics) von Joyce den Teufel in einem Spiel der Kinder von Adam und von Vorabend, mit Stannie und Poppie spielend. Dieses konnte mit dem Verdammung-Motiv thematically gepaßt haben. PoA2 schließt auch diese Rückblende ein: "und er erinnerte sich den Tag, als er und Eileen gestanden waren, schauend in den Hotelboden und die Kellner aufgepaßt, herauf eine Spur auf dem Fahnenmast hin und her von mit dem Kopfe stoßen und Fuchs terrier auf dem sonnigen rasen von scampering (structural dynamics) zu laufen und wie, die ganze plötzliches, sie in ein Glockengeläut des Gelächters ausgebrochen war und hinunter die schräge Kurve des Weges gelaufen war. Jetzt, als dann, stand er teilnamslos in seinem Platz, scheinbar ein tranquil Beobachter der Szene vor ihm (fluid dynamics)" and (combinatorics ) TS101Ch19undTS134Ch20beziehensich'aufnNurseSarahimSchrei,alsobildetesievermutlichirgendeinAussehenindenfrühenKapiteln.PoA1 [ qv ]erwähntein' Brigid '(nichteineTante)werSarahumbenanntes[überPendel Williams](neugierig,' Sara'seinkannund'Brigid'warenNamen,dieJAJfürTanteJo. verwendeteodererwog,möglicherweiseerdieNamenzwischenSH-undPoA/U. austauschte) )

(Synergistic links between theory and modeling and computation in the field of German Domain Decomposition)

my joyce 2

PoA2 also includes this flashback: "And he remembered the day when he and Eileen had stood looking into the hotel grounds, watching the waiters running up a trail of bunting on the flagstaff and the fox terrier scampering to and fro on the sunny lawn and how, all of a sudden, she had broken out into a peal of laughter and had run down the sloping curve of the path. Now, as then, he stood listlessly in his place, seemingly a tranquil watcher of the scene before him."

flashback higher-order logic: peal of laughter = curve of laughter .

( in a set of serial words, the subsequent ones will always be stronger through abduction/induction)

my joyce 1

Why Edam and Ave

(what happens in between:
the game damnation-motif.
TS101 (curiously, made bob the serpent offer the Devil the appearance game with PoA/U.)
There's Adam [via 'nNurse bob] . game Edam.
There are chapters. blu blu blu.
'Sarah' Eve appears in names like Poppie.
SH to This Sarah' as the SH in 'Ave' Bray, these names are still contemplated.
in Joyce’s heaven].
in our hell.
now children's damnation-motif.
TS101 early [] SH for [SH] game [via anecdote]

Edam , Ave = heirs. children.