October 09, 2007

david 2 : personal effervescence

history returns with blows
tangled extreme common islands of truths
dose swollen

swollen darkness tombe upon the trembling poet
yesterday is placed on daily-basis boundaries
hazardous knowledge burning by the horizon
cognitive codes separate men/ pity/ religion
with binding reflection of an eyelid’s sweat

it’s again the season of ant zigzagging

syncopation of Sunlight wind

October 07, 2007

poems based on david e patton's pics and texts..

[AFTER David E. Patton/ The Jazz Symphonic Glass Ear (page 47-55) and ....pic]

non-miraculous eyes

it was a time when the criminal exaggerated in his improvisation
and of course the analog brain was entirely responsible for that

he felt the slippery society haunted the holy common singing in the stronghold of the contemplating head


and then St. Guilty passing along the row of tongues happy and exhilarating like a sunny extreme
an evening cigarette and then
the whole winter-mating all to ourselves…..

even the long countermelodies of combatant Gods were made up of inside necessity sounds
at the time
their weary behavior was reflected by windows that aborted distances
while Possibility again was drowning the odor of places
embracing the roots that reached for the cradle of wisdom
upside downish


a weary habitat pixilating
ending euphorically behind its black-legged limits
(thanks, david)

September 22, 2007

Sweet Little Lamb..

white and sweet and cute
how nice and clean you look
dressed up in your new computer technology suit
you are everybody's true friend , believe me, ma'm
you are a beaut'...

August 04, 2007

mosaic light

(After Marco Giovenale's pic (: (: WHITE :) :)

August 03, 2007

tin man

decombres decouvertes mouvement moyen nabot musique myriapodes en negatif nargue
papillon papillote paraitre etre parallele un parallelisme de vrais parallelepipede tranquille pare-boue pas que je sache ! toute puissance
montoutoutoxique montoutoutoxique montoutoutoxique
tourte tourterelle
trait d'union

July 28, 2007

images, stereotype fractions of Girl shows ( once pronounced there
trinket songs as desirable women /limb / body/face/brain
(yes change you on models, the ((purity purity ((sonority air in between
there is gender Inbred beneath time
inner gender combine conflicting cha cha chas on gender Barbie
((now she leans as you are speaking this bodysong body.
the : shadow disturbing limb chacha
resurrection grace words into shows the
(sonority is the shade now (approaching icon/standards
exposure ideals.
- media song cha emits free letters
membranes shift me
as air

June 01, 2007

to anne boyer : on things

people get diaristic, my dear

not-things acquisition.....so protective : blogs without floor) *

and you making poems THINGS: bodies mark dreadful writing

about rearranged (words), then SUBSECTIONS

always provoking medium flesh upheaval,

or public distribution, or rawly used boxes

unlike this book, bearing commerce in its made language) somehow floor). *

somehow envelope

I rearrange

the penetrable book - a demonstration box -

desire box

as TOY...

protective writing

* I - making poems THINGS:


I - about boxes

May 16, 2007


Keyword poems
in Posts
oh, carmen, my eyes bleed....

May 12, 2007







April 30, 2007

To Rachel of the Brim...

how your linen cup linen porch, like wood,
cream the invisible body, and me,

loss /beauty /imagine the sun or the souring invisible body,
i thought the fall

liquid moments fall into accident
drying laced afternoons
then wood, milk fingers on linen
handle handle tightly, you,

accidents drying on rim stability,
broken, our cup of heat souring

it's souring on a rim afternoon,
touching touching bottom sun

March 30, 2007


humpty notes the button side
humpty the past humpty
the(close) Crescent/Carmen/LittleLamb/the4X feet projects /
button the note and side it
not because your shivering still / your forever
because you dumpty your past


today Young
past Young

March 17, 2007

March 12, 2007



este antipatie antipatie hallucinée,
ein rai autorisé/ postérieur/ un King lascive
en discoloured kaki {Emotic(shoot2)}
{Emotic(baby)} anestheskin in Lucy/ éruptive lascive lascive associate
{Emotic(king)} king/ zis si cub/ souvenirs devotee, autorisé
abscons /un ascète en priveghi damnée,
pour Lucy, insensibila


function between mmmmm and room stuff old —

have i screened and performed the proper control over my program?

I am so 2007creative , I am
no 2006 function interested in the master network
preserve control / think hypertext in (photos/negs?)

often selfmaterial show me in
MCP hypertextarchives

March 08, 2007

a jukka perfect

jukka defender a montagedefender
defender defender jukka jukka perfect
principles defender
montagedefender a perfect
principles montagedefender jukka

March 06, 2007


mind hackers surfing
in search of illusive picture shells
they regard the blue cinemas of passing stillnesses
this flow (copyright) strikes photography as program

of pearls authorial

March 01, 2007

a g secara / un alt poem

dau libertăţii bărbaţi jucărie
inutilă Sibilă inutil crescându-şi un păr de piatră
silabisesc tăcerea
KatieMelua, " m-o-r "
aranjament pentru pian