September 28, 2007

one year blogging anniversary for me !!!


The Phosgene Kid said...

Happy anniversary! Keep 'em coming...

Little Lamb said...

I still haven't figured out how to put a lamb in there!

carmen racovitza said...

thanks, phos...i hope i'll make them coming...
LL, what's wrong with a violet square hut ??isn't it good enough for a lamb ? or it is too weird ??

Little Lamb said...

its good enough for me.

carmen racovitza said...

or you are afraid of the strong light ?? because i am...

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday dear Carmen
Happy birthday to you!!

carmen racovitza said...

thanks, are sweet....

i like your's so much fun and so clever...and la creme de la creme...socially speaking, n'est ce pas ?/ :) lol

carmen racovitza said...

LL, you are right to be afraid of the violet hut...

the light is actually ultra/violet...

Little Lamb said...

is the ultra violet good or bad?

carmen racovitza said...

well, LL, if you look at it straight in the face, it's wrong...
if you let the ultra look at you from an angle, it's good !!:)

Stan Bull said...

I'm right behind you, Carmen. Every step of the way. Happy Anniversary!

carmen racovitza said...

wow, stan !! thanks...

but why behind me ??

Stan Bull said...

Well, it's like this....if I were to stand in front of you, then you'd be in my shadow. And that would be plain discourteous.

carmen racovitza said...

am i not in your shadow, Mr. Bat ??