April 16, 2007



Little Lamb said...

Now you're in the red.

carmen racovitza said...

...bluish red, LL...if you looked inside...

Anonymous said...


carmen now is in the pink, meaning restored to full health & vigor, as well her local network -- and at runran, randy knows all


Little Lamb said...

No, Carmen and /t., Carmen is blushing. She's embarrassed.

carmen racovitza said...

LL.and /t.... i ve been sleeping for 4 full hours this afternoon and still feel greenish....

a pink embarassement ??
never, LL...
mine is always intense red...lol

Anonymous said...

four hour
afternoon nap

this would explain how it is you often are found online at times that must be the middle of the night in your part of the world

or is it possible you are a [fake or other] dracula, possibly a frankenwerevamp... femme fatale(?) or other creature of nocturnal habit...

carmen is a pink/red mystery


carmen racovitza said...

yep, the growing fangs are killing me, /t...

Anonymous said...

be grateful
they are fangs
and not horns, carmen


carmen racovitza said...

still how can you explain the two timidly emerging symmetrical bumps on my head??

Anonymous said...

are your
ears, carmen

you're one up on van gogh


Little Lamb said...

Carmen, a vampire?

carmen racovitza said...

ears?? so horny?? i mean, so horn-like....bleeaahhh...they don't look like ears to me...

LL, i don't know...i feel a little ..unstable ...a vampire cow, perhaps??

Little Lamb said...

Vampire cow?

carmen racovitza said...

have you ever seen a horned vampire, LL ??

Anonymous said...



carmen racovitza said...

you've seen one, confess it.../t

forget it and put the cattle on, will you ?

Anonymous said...

a cup of


Little Lamb said...

I have never seen a horned vampire Carmen.

carmen racovitza said...

LL, it means directors and producers are no longer what they used to be...

a cup of /t-sane for us, /t...

Little Lamb said...

can I have some too, please?

carmen racovitza said...

...for us three, LL and /t...