April 09, 2007


Little Lamb said...

Where's Carmen?

Why aren't you in front of your computer visiting the blogs you do?

carmen racovitza said...

well, starting from today, i AM here, LL...
huge troubles with local network...i hope everything is OK from now on...
thanks for your interest, LL...

Little Lamb said...

Carmen! I missed you! I was worried about you!

carmen racovitza said...

thanks, LL..i missed you, too, believe me... i am greenish, but still alive...

Little Lamb said...

How come you're greenish?

carmen racovitza said...

look at the pics ...am i not greenish??
i forgot my password for runran and i can't comment...that's why i am greenish...lol

Little Lamb said...

the pictures do look green. You should always pick a password that you'll remember.