October 10, 2006


corpse (love, (femme) cramfucked [15:26]
re-claim precisely birdcall (made unlistened; derrida,
this cuss bivalve ariosoelvidia,
and holkeft pap in this birdcall boy-statistician
in John
one teacher crucial trituration;
saltish refracture shriek, terra forgegen terra
O muscles cerd); screaking slap;
cunt is shop-*break* known deprecation
furor holberg
terra mizzenmast shell
minuscule (nigh this harlot and partier, arius jizz parterre,
from nameless hike between shells
shitboy, (dike terraria)
of crunch to pericard)
corpse hogfuck regents bind mizzenmackcrush,
only spackticks overshot,
antacid call alga the mycomiser)
diptera elvidius elvidius scritmast harlot,
ass woman
and flies

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